Phone: (02) 9671-1869
Address: 97 Best Rd, Seven Hills
(Just on the round about at George St)
Mail: PO Box 501 Seven Hills 1730

Mark Williamson
Senior Minister
Mark Williamson is our senior minister. He is married to Anya and they have four children.

Josh Taylor
Assistant Minister
Josh Taylor is our assistant minister with oversight of 6:30 Church and the youth ministries. He is married to Chelsea, and they have two children.
George Okwera
Hon. Assistant Minister (A.B.M.)
George Okwera is an Assistant Minister with an enthusiasm to bring the gospel to the Sudanese community within the local area. He is married to Alice.
Kathryn Brennan
Community Liaison
Kathryn is part-time, working in the local community. She is married to Darren and they have three children.