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SPY Kids

SPY Kids

St Peters Youth Kids (SPY Kids) is a youth group for children in school years 3 to 5.  We have stacks of fun learning about Jesus with games, food, prayer, and bible time.  There is also an outing each term.

SPY Kids is run Fridays, 6:00pm – 7:00pm, except during School Holidays.

Leader: Josh Taylor

Leader Phone: 0404 208 373


Location: Church Hall

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Friday Bible Investigation (FBi) is a youth group aimed at Years 6-9 junior high school students.  We talk about God & life with a mixture of high-energy and low-energy games, hang time, food, prayer, and bible time.  There is at least one outing each term.

FBi runs on Friday evenings, 7:30pm – 9:00pm, except during School Holidays.

Leader: Peter Grosskopf

Leader Phone: 0412 002 451


Location: Church Hall

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Sunday Afternoon Studies (SAS) is a youth group aimed at Year 10-12 senior high school students.  We ask the tough questions and get real with our faith, with each week made up of activities, bible time and prayer.  We have at least one outing per term.

SAS runs on Sunday, 4.30pm – 6:30pm, except during School Holidays, followed by 6:30pm Church.

Leader: Josh Taylor

Leader Phone: 0404 208 373


Location: Church Hall

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